The system of EIA legislation is based on the following legislation: the Law of Environment (Law Nº 1333), Regulation of Prevention and Environmental Control (DS No. 24176 from 1995, amended in 2018 by DS 3549, and again amended by DS 3856 in 2019), the regulation of environmental management (DS No. 24176 from 1995) and sectoral environmental regulations. The EIA system is implemented by the Ministry of Environment and Water, sectoral environmental units for each corresponding Ministry, and environmental units of the local governments in the nine departments. The SEA implementation is awaiting the approval of the Strategic Environmental Assessment Regulation (not yet approved in 2018).
Webpages | 27-05-2019
Using ESIA information for monitoring - Bolivia
Santa Cruz de la Sierra - How can you use ESIA information in the follow-up and monitoring of a 300 km road upgrade project? This was the…
Webpages | 15-03-2018
New vice-chair NCEA international
We like to welcome Ms. Tanya van Gool as our new vice-chairperson at the NCEA
Webpages | 13-03-2018
SEA: added value for Pantanal-Chaco region
How can SEA be an added value for spatial planning and water infrastructure in the Pantanal-Chaco region?
Webpages | 04-04-2013
SEA distant learning course in Bolivia
The NCEA, with technical assistance of ITC-Enschede, has developed an SEA distant learning course. The course is hosted by the Universidad Loyola. The…
Webpages | 12-11-2012
Advisory report SEA land reform plan Bolivia
Utrecht, 12 November 2012. On request by the Bolivian National Institute for Land Reform (INRA), an NCEA expert group visited Bolivia in august to…