NCEA news 

October 2022

  • Environmental and social impact of mining - Niger
  • Workshop to prepare for first SEA - Paraguay
  • Introduction of SEA underway - Jordan
  • MoU with the Ministry of Environment - Jordan
  • Animation on Follow-up in ESIA process



  niger mining workshop sept 2022

Workshop on impacts of mining - Niger

Niamey - The Ministries of Mining and Environment jointly organised a workshop on the environmental and social impacts of mining. In addition to the impact of toxic materials in small-scale mining, participants discussed the added value of an SEA for the mining sector and how to prepare for mine closure. A website with workshop reports and video's will follow soon. 

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  paraguay wwf visit foto

Workshop to prepare for first SEA - Paraguay

Asunción - Paraguay is ready to start with its first SEA. It accompanies the Masterplan for Urban Development Chaco-í in Asunción, under responsibility of the Ministry of Urban Development, Housing and Habitat. To prepare government agencies and the consortium that will carry out the SEA, the Ministry and WWF-Paraguay organised a 3-day workshop and site visit, tailored to SEA for urban development. 

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Introduction of SEA underway - Jordan

Amman - The introduction of SEA in Jordan is gaining momentum. The Ministry for Environment has established a Task Force on SEA, with representatives from different ministries. This group will be developing the regulatory framework. To help them in their work the NCEA provided a 3-day training on SEA. 

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MoU with the Ministry of Environment - Jordan

Amman - On September 12th, the Minister of Environment, Mr Muawiya Radaideh, and Mr Rob Verheem, director of the NCEA signed an MoU for cooperation in the field of ESIA and SEA. The MoU aims to enhance the Ministry's efforts to improve the effectiveness of ESIA and include SEA as a tool for integrating the environmental and social dimensions in preparation of national strategies and plans. 

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  Thumbnail 2 - EN Follow Up

Animation on Follow-up in ESIA process

It is with great pleasure that we present the final animation of a series of six, dedicated to the ESIA process. The final animation is about the so called Follow-up phase. In most countries, this is an official step in the ESIA procedure and considered essential for the effectiveness of the ESIA process. The six animations can be downloaded and are available in English and French. 

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