7300. Examen de l'EIES du Projet de production de gaz - Grand Tortue, Ahmeyim - Phase 1 - Senegal

After recent discoveries of gas reserves offshore, the Governments of Senegal and Mauritania signed a cooperation agreemeent to exploit these resources. The project ‘Production de gas Grand Tortue / Ahmeyim Phase 1’ in Senegal is one of the first initiatives. The initiative foresees in the extraction, processing and the export of 2,5 million tons of liquified gas per year. The planned location is off-shore from N’Diago and Saint-Louis, near the border with Mauritania.  The Direction de l’Environnement et des Établissements Classées (DEEC) requested the NCEA to carry out an independent review of the ESIA for this project. 

Rapports consultatifs et autres documents

06 déc. 2018: Advisory review
Avis Final - Grand Tortue Ahmeyim _6-12-2018

Détails significatifs

At the time of request the project 'Grand Tortue' planned to consist of the following components:

  1. Zone off-shore (125km from the coast) for gas winning.
  2. A terminal hub to be located at 10-11 km from the coast with a wave breaker of 1km, a floating liquified natural gas (FLNG), and a platform for housing and services.
  3. Gas winning zone with pipelines at the bottom of the sea that will connect the off-shore infrastructure to the terminal / hub near the coast.

Parties concernées

Membres du groupe de travail

Karima Broche Derradji, MSc
Philippe Jean, PhD
Sandra Rose Kloff
Reinoud Post
Dano Roelvink

Le président: Tanya van Gool
Secrétaire technique: Leyla Özay, MSc

Plus de détails

Pays: Senegal

Mise à jour: 06 avr 2023