7194. Review draft ToR for Consultancy - Rwanda

The Government of Rwanda is in the process of developping a new programme aiming at financing local infrastructure projects in districts/municipalities. To that purpose Terms of Reference - for the consultant - were drafted. The Dutch Sustainability Unit was requested by the Netherlands Embassy in Rwanda to review this ToR and to check whether climate change was sufficiently captured.

Rapports consultatifs et autres documents

14 mars 2016: Advisory review
Advice on CC Coverage for ToR Consultancy

Détails significatifs

In its advice, the DSU concluded that the Terms of Reference for the consultant did not sufficiently guarantee that projects funded by the Netherlands Embassy grant would be climate smart. It advises to task the consultancy with developing operational, climate change related targets that can be used in appraising project proposals and monitoring project implementation. In addition, the DSU advises to guarantee climate change related knowledge and capacity within the project implementing agency.

Parties concernées

Membres du groupe de travail

Secrétaire technique: Reinoud Post

Plus de détails

Pays: Rwanda

Mise à jour: 12 avr 2019