7081. Advice on integrating environment, climate change and DDR into the MASP of the Great Lakes Region

The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Kigali has requested the Dutch Sustainability Unit to review the embassy’s Multi-Annual Strategic Plan (MASP) for Rwanda and the regional MASP for the Great Lakes.

Rapports consultatifs et autres documents

06 sept 2013: Other
SU02-16 Adv ECDRR MASP Great Lakes

Détails significatifs

The embassy seeks to better integrate environment, climate change and disaster risk reduction and advice on how best to accommodate these issues.

Parties concernées

Membres du groupe de travail

Niek van Duivenbooden
Jan-Joost Kessler
Peter de Koning, MSc
Victor Langenberg
Saskia Visser
Lida Zuidberg

Secrétaire technique: Ineke Steinhauer

Promoteur et Autorité de composants

Autorité de composants
Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Plus de détails

Pays: Great Lakes; Rwanda

Mise à jour: 03 avr 2019