099-i. Advisory review ESIA Hydropower Adjarala report - Benin, Togo

The NCEA reviewed the ESIA report for the Adjarala hydropower project on the border between Benin and Togo.

Rapports consultatifs et autres documents

23 sept 2014: Advisory review
Barrage hydroélectrique d'Adjarala, Benin et Togo: avis sur l’examen de la qualité de l’EIES
01 avr 2015: Other
English Summary Adjarala

Détails significatifs

As part of the development of the electricity sector, the Communauté Electrique du Benin (CEB) planned to develop hydropower facilities at Adjarala, on the border between Benin and Togo. Most of the reservoir would be located in Togo. According to legislation of both countries, undertaking an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) is required for such a project. the Beninese and Togolese environmental agencies (resp. ABE and ANGE) together asked the NCEA for its opinion on the ESIA which had been submitted by the CEB. The NCEA established a working group and issued an independent review. Based on the ESIA's findings, both environmental agencies gave the project permission under specific conditions. Due to financing issues, the dam still has not been built in 2018.

Parties concernées

Membres du groupe de travail

Fadjouwin Grégoire ALE
Bernard Hagin
Margriet Reinders
Leo Zwarts

Le président: Aad van der Velden
Secrétaire technique: Sibout Nooteboom

Plus de détails

Pays: Benin; Togo

Mise à jour: 27 mars 2019