7157. Advice Potential for Sustainable Development of the Sounda Gorge Hydropower Project - Congo

Upon request of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), the Dutch Sustainability Unit analysed to what extent and under which conditions the Sounda Gorge Hydroelectric Dam Project Proposal can contribute to sustainable development in Congo Brazzaville. Additionally, the DSU was asked to comment on the possible replicability of the approach to assess the potential sustainability of the project.

Rapports consultatifs et autres documents

19 févr. 2015: Advisory review
SU15-64 advice

Détails significatifs

The project concerns a transformational renewable energy project to be located on the Kouilou River. The DSU concluded that the MFA can secure sustainable development by:

  • setting benchmarks on each of the sustainability factors mentioned in the present advisory report;

  • obtaining a reasonable level of security that a project alternative is developed and approved that meets these benchmarks.

Parties concernées

Membres du groupe de travail

Secrétaire technique: Reinoud Post

Plus de détails

Pays: Congo Brazzaville

Mise à jour: 12 avr 2019