Photo by the NCEA

Workshops on ESIA Follow-up and Energy Transition, Uganda

Project details





Activity type

Capacity development

Last modified

24 October 2024

As a follow up of NCEA support in the SRJS programme in Uganda, the Africa Institute for Energy Governance (AFIEGO) and partners including the Inclusive Green Economy Network-East Africa held two back-to-back workshops to (1) improve environmental governance through enhacing the implementation of ESIA conditions and ESMPs and 2) create public awareness on the relevance of energy transition, including their environmental and social implications for Uganda and the region.

Significant details

The audience consisted of around 50 participants from national and district government, private sector, CSOs and community leaders and representatives.
AFIEGO, with support of IUCN-NL bore the costs of the workshop, as part of the Dutch supported Green Livelihood Alliance Strategic partnership, while the NCEA provided technical support, including experts from Kenya and Zambia

Parties involved

Members of the working group

Gerphas Keyah Opondo

Paolo Tibaldeschi

Technical secretary

ir. Ineke Steinhauer