Edy Blom
Technical secretary
The NCEA was asked by Invest International to provide its technical advice on all 9 ESIA and simplified ESIA reports for the Mopti Waste and Development project in Mali. The project is known by its name “Mooti dièlé” which means “Clean Mopti” in the local language.
The main objective of the Mooti dièlé project, according to the Terms of Reference of the project and those of its ESIA, is to strengthen municipal infrastructure, and in particular to develop a complete and sustainable system for wastewater treatment and solid waste management in the urban municipality of Mopti. The assessment by the NCEA of the quality of the submitted documents will contribute to the approval of these reports by Invest International before submission to the competent authorities, to the decision-making on the next phases of the project by the responsible bodies in Mali, as well as by the representatives of Invest International and other investors, and may be taken into account by the consultant to finalise the reports.
According to the NCEA, the set of reports submitted for advice is not sufficient as an ESIA for the set of sub-projects proposed for the overall Mooti dièlé project. The NCEA notes that there is still much to be (re)done in order to have an ESIA report that meets the requirements of international good practices, both in terms of scope and content and the process followed, and that can really serve to inform decision-making on this project. The suggestions for improvements provided could serve as a basis for new Terms of Reference.