Photo by the NCEA

Mali: food security under a changing climate

Project details





Activity type

Sustainability advice


Climate change, Economical aspects, Food security, Water

Last modified

19 September 2022

The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) requested the NCEA under its sustainability advice programme to advise about the options to improve food security in Mali and simultaneously create employment, in a context of climate change.

Significant details

It was assumed that improving food security and employment were key to sustainable development in Mali. This advice was in particular useful for discussions in the Planetary Security Initative, in particular the Planetary Security Conference 2017, and for follow-up in Mali itself. The MFA was the main sponsor of the Planetary Security Inititative, with several conferences at high level aiming to influence the international policy agenda at the nexus of climate change and security (and migration).

Advisory reports and other documents

17 Nov 2017: Advisory review

Parties involved

Members of the working group

dr. ir. Premchand (Prem) Soebhaschander Bindraban

Robert Groot

Technical secretary

dr. Sibout Nooteboom