On 6 March 2018 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs requested the Netherlands Commission for environmental assessment for a sustainability advice on the update of GEF’s Policy on Environmental and Social safeguards. Advice was asked in two phases: on short notice some guiding recommendations that could steer the update, and in a later phase a more detailed review of the draft updated GEF Policy and standards. The guiding recommendations were published on April 20 2018. The detailed review was published on September 28 2018.
Significant details
On 16 June 2018 the GEF released a first draft of the updated Policy on Environmental and Social Safeguards for early consultation with the multi-stakeholder Working Group on Environmental and Social Safeguards. Following this consultation the GEF released on September 6, 2018 a revised draft for wider consultation.
The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs is part of the Multi-stakeholder Working Group and asked the Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment for an independent quality review: first of the 16 June draft and subsequently of the revised 6 September draft.
The final advice on the revised 6 September draft focuses on those elements of this draft that could still benefit from possible further improvement. Recommendations in the earlier advice on the 16 June draft that are adequately covered in the 6 September draft are not repeated.