Edy Blom
Technical secretary
At the end of 2019, the Ministry of the Environment, Sanitation and Sustainable Development (MEADD) and the NCEA signed a memorandum of understanding. The first activity that has been agreed upon is to analyze in depth the functioning of the ESIA system in Mali, legally and in practice. It is in this context that a seminar-workshop was organized in Bamako from 28 to 30 January 2020.
The NCEA has developed a methodology with a tool to support this analysis. This tool is called 'ESY –Mapping'. Based on this analysis, the stakeholders involved identify areas for improvement.
This workshop brought together several sectoral agents as well as associations of ESIA professionals in Mali. The results were established after two days of analysis, and day three consisted of developing an action plan to take corrective measures for the environmental assessment system in Mali.
This report (in French) is the result of this 3-day workshop.