by the NCEA

EIA Inspection Project II - Georgia

Project details





Activity type

Capacity development


Hydropower, Natural resources management, Water & sanitation, Water management

Last modified

15 July 2022

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment (I&M) invited the Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment (NCEA) to submit a project proposal for providing assistance to the government of Georgia, specifically the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Forestry (MoE).

Significant details

This project builds upon another project, funded by I&M that was implemented in the period January 2014 – April 2015. It focussed on development of EIA, inspection and advice on EIA for a large scale hydropower project. 

The main purpose of this particular project is to support the MoE in implementing the European Union's SEA / EIA directive (2004) in order to contribute to improved decision making by integrating environmental concerns and sustainable development principles into the elaboration of government plans and projects. In addition, this project will support the MoE in the development of sustainable hydropower, through capacity development in SEA, EIA and inspection.


Other documents

Parties involved

Members of the working group


prof. dr. ir. Rudy Rabbinge

Technical secretary

dr. Arend Kolhoff