
Comments: ToR for ESIA of water sector support program - Yemen

Project details





Activity type

ESIA/SEA advice


Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), Social Impact Assessment, Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), Water management

Last modified

13 August 2019

The NCEA was asked to comment on Terms of Reference (ToR) for an ESIA for the Water Sector Support Program (WSSP) in Yemen. An advice of the secretariat was issued on the subject. In this advice, the NCEA discussed a number of topics and asked some clarification questions that would improve assessment of the ToR. 

Significant details

Topics discussed in the advice include:

  • (Recommended) ambition levels for ESIA and social assessment;
  • Scope of study;
  • Institutional capacities including recommendations;
  • Recommendations on integration of ESIA and social assessment;
  • The Resettlement Policy Framework;
  • SEA as a tool to integrate ESIA and social assessment.

Advisory reports and other documents


Parties involved

Members of the working group

Technical secretary

Arend Kolhoff