NCEA archives

Appraisal of 3 programme formulation documents on cooperation South Sudan - Netherlands for Sudanese Water Sector - South Sudan

Project details




South Sudan

Activity type

Sustainability advice


Climate change, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), Food security, Gender, Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), Water management

Last modified

03 April 2019

The Dutch Sustainability Unit (DSU) was requested to perform an assessment of two appraisal documents for the Lakes State and Eastern Equatorial State, incl. a general Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) component, as well as an assessment of the tender documents that will be elaborated on basis of these documents.

Significant details

These documents are a result of the Embassy's effort to elaborate its Water programme for the two States in South Sudan.

Advisory reports and other documents

20 Jul 2012: Other

31 Jul 2012: Other

Parties involved

Members of the working group

ir. Nicolaas (Niek) Bech

Floris Dirk Deodatus

Technical secretary

Ineke Steinhauer