Ineke Steinhauer
Technical secretary

The EPA and the director of the Environmental Protection Consultants Association (EPCA) requested the NCEA to provide a capacity development training programme for EPCA members. This request was made within a broader effort to strengthen the ESIA system in the country.
As the NCEA has already worked with several partners in Ethiopia on this subject, the opportunity was taken to facilitate the exchange of local knowledge, supplemented with the international expertise of the NCEA. Representatives from Hawassa university and the Water and Land Resource Centre (WLRC) were invited to give presentations on their own experiences with and knowledge on ESIA. The gathering of members of academia, research centres, consultants, the EPA, and the NCEA led to a successful event where participants could network and exchange expertise on ESIA and local legislation.
In this three-day workshop, we revisited the basic principles of ESIA: understanding the national legal framework, international standards, and the analytical skills needed to assess environmental and social factors. We also highlighted the importance of stakeholder engagement to gain a better understanding of local contexts and its valuable contribution to an effective ESIA process. Another topic highlighted was a good quality Environmental and Social Management Plan. Finally, the added value of a strong Association was appreciated as an important contribution to a strong ESIA system.