
Our last actual involvement in Somalia dates from 2021, in which we assessed the impact of climate change on the Multi Annual Country Strategy of the Dutch Embassy and advised on its implementation relating to political and economic constraints. Since then, the NCEA did not receive a request for technical support in Somalia. Current political instability makes travel to the country impossible. However, we are in contact with eligible authorities in the country and are awaiting new developments. Contact our focal point if you have a question about our support possibilities in Somalia.

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Legislation in Somalia

The Somali provisional constitution of 2012 states in article 25 that everybody has a right to an environment that is not harmful to health and well-being. In addition, article 45 states that the government shall give priority to the protection of the environment and that it shall adopt general environmental policies.

However, in part due to the political instability of the last few decades, Somalia does not have a well-developed Environmental Assessment system. The NCEA is not aware of ESIA or SEA regulations at a federal level.

The autonomous region of Puntland has introduced Environmental Policy in 2014 and the Puntland Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations in 2016. Project owners active in the region of Puntland should take these regulations into consideration. The draft regulations (2015) can be found here This link opens in a new tab.