
Since 2018, the NCEA has had an important partnership with the Ministry of Environment of Niger. Under an MoU, work has been done on developing environmental assessment legislation, supporting capacity development, and creating guidance on climate change and ESIA. Since 2021, a large dossier has been the coaching for the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Vallée du Niger programme, during which the NCEA has provided technical input and facilitation high-level meetings with the Nigerien government.

Legislation in Niger

Environmental Assessment was formally introduced in the 1998 Environmental Management Framework Act. Currently, legislation on Environmental Assessment in Niger is under development. A new framework law was promulgated in 2018, and an implementing decree in 2019. Other regulations are planned soon.

In Niger, the National Office for Environmental Assessment (Bureau Nationale pour l’évaluation environnementale, BNEE) is responsible for reviewing ESIA / SEA reports. It sends its recommendations to the Ministry in charge of the environment which issues the Certificate of Environmental Compliance.