Capacity development

The NCEA supports the development of capacity across the full range of actors that have a role in impact assessment. The activities can take all kinds of forms, because they are tailored to the needs of the target group.

The NCEA may support a learning process that brings different parties together around a certain theme, such as a series of workshops on how to address climate change in impact assessment. The purpose is to build skills and knowledge on the ‘how-to’, but also for the participants to come to a collective understanding.

An introduction to Strategic Environmental Assessment

Want to learn more about Strategic Environmental Assessment? The NCEA has designed an introductory e-learning course. You can take it for free and at your own pace. The online course consists of 7 modules. Among other things, you will learn about the differences and similarities with ESIA, how to prepare an SEA, scoping, stakeholder management and success factors and indicators. Your study investment is expected to be between 5 to 8 hours per week.

Access the free course hereOpens in new tab:
A highway crossing a mountain.

Webinars and online workshops

We can provide on-site training as well as online. NCEA regularly hosts webinars and online workshops on a variety of topics, such as this one on ESIA follow-up.  Curious about the possibilities? Get in touch!