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Zanzibari delegation visits the Netherlands
Utrecht, 17-21 June - A delegation of environmental authorities from Zanzibar and mainland Tanzania, met with the NAM (Netherlands Oil Company) and visited their gas extraction locations. According to the delegation, it was ‘very exciting and insightful’, and ‘gave us many new perspectives’.
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What is my role in the SEA for the Lake Rukwa water plan? - Tanzania
Mbeya, 10- 14 June- Water resources are under pressure in the Lake Rukwa-Katavi landscape in Tanzania. An SEA will be carried out for the plan on how to manage the available water. The NCEA facilitated a workshop for stakeholders to prepare them for their role in this SEA.
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Seminar SEA for urban development - Ethiopia
Debre Berhan, 12-14 June - Rob Verheem of the NCEA facilitated a two day SEA awareness raising Seminar in Debre Berhan, Ethiopia. The seminar had a special focus on urban development. 20 participants from both Amhara, Federal and City government and Debre Berhan University enthusiastically discussed a possible SEA for the revision of the Debre Berhan City Structure Plan.
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Using ESIA information for monitoring - Bolivia
Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 10-14 May - How can you use ESIA information in the follow-up and monitoring of a 300 km road upgrade project? This was the subject of 3-day workshop for local CSO's (SRJS partners), authorities and other stakeholders alongside the road concerned.
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New approach SEA for the hydropower sector
Paris, 14-16 May - The NCEA attended the World Hydropower congress to raise awareness on the added value of SEA in the Hydropower sector. In cooperation the The Nature Conservancy (TNC) we prepared an Advocacy Paper on tailor made SEA and hydropower-by-design. Good news: various finance institutions and countries are interested in this approach and want to test in in practice, starting already in the coming months.
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Formalising SEA & planning proces, the start of sustainable landscape planning – Madagascar
Ampasindava, 10 - 12 May - Following up on a multi-stakeholder workshop 2 years ago as part of the SRJS programme, the NCEA visited Madagascar to facilitate further decision making on the planning process. Local governments, CSOs, the private sector and other stakeholders discussed questions such as which plan to develop, who is responsible, what are the steps and how to integrate the SEA in the planning process?
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