March 2021
In this newsletter
- The NCEA coaches new SEA process - Guinea
- The NCEA's advice on EA draft-regulation - ECOWAS
- SEA regulation on its way - Jordan
- Publication on EA and landscape management also in French and Spanish
- Introducing two new colleagues
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The NCEA coaches new SEA process - Guinea
In late 2020 the NCEA guided the Interministerial Commission on the Moyen Bafing Landscape (CICMB), in how to best manage the sustainable development of infrastructure projects in the sensitive Bafing Falémé landscape. The CICMB decided to start a regional sustainable development plan accompanied by an SEA, which is not yet regulated in Guinea. In January 2021, the Guinean government formally requested the NCEA to coach the SEA process. We look forward to working with CICMB and to contribute to this landscape, home to one of the biggest chimpanzee populations in Africa.
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The NCEA's advice on EA draft-regulation - ECOWAS
Since 2019, ECOWAS - the Economic Community of West African States - is actively working on harmonising EA procedures within the region. The Ecowas Secretariat asked the NCEA to comment on the draft regulation. In February 2021, the NCEA presented their findings during a regional meeting on that very subject. One example: being a regional body, transboundary and regional environmental assessment is well embedded in the regulation. However, the regulation will improve if these instruments are presented in a clearer and more understandable manner. These should include explanations on how these assessments are carried out, opportunities for public participation and how they relate to national procedures.
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SEA regulation in the make - Jordan
The Ministry of Environment of Jordan would like to develop an SEA regulation. In a series of online work sessions, the NCEA and the Ministry staff jointly reflected on what SEA is, which SEA experience already exists and what choices should be made to tailor SEA requirements to the country context. They concluded with a discussion on the next steps, including setting up a core team. A very promising start!
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Publication on EA and landscape management also in French and Spanish
Our recent publication containing ten cases on ESIA and SEA in landscape management is now also available in French and Spanish.
After four years of practice and experience in different forms and settings, the cases in this publication demonstrate that environmental assessment complements the landscape approach in important ways.
The countries include: Benin, Burkina Faso, Indonesia, Madagascar, Mali, The Philippines, Suriname, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.
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Two new colleagues
It is with great pleasure that we welcome two new colleagues to our international team:
- Emmy Dortant (L) is since July 2020 our new PMEL (Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning) Manager. She has a master's degree in International Development studies with a focus on food security. Before joining the NCEA, she worked for the Dutch development organisation Cordaid, involved in the management of an agricultural development and women’s economic empowerment project in Uganda. She is looking forward to contribute to the effectiveness of our work through continuous monitoring and supporting internal learning.
- Edy Blom (R) is since February 2021 our new technical secretary. She holds master's degrees in Social Geography and Physical Geography. Edy has broad experience in environment and development related studies and in management and evaluation of development projects and programmes. Before joining the NCEA, she worked for the Shared Resources, Joined Solutions Programme at IUCN NL. She is looking forward to use her earlier experiences with stakeholder engagement and landscape approach to strengthen the contribution of environmental assessment to good governance.
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