NCEA news 

March 2022

  • Two ESY-Mapping workshops in West Africa
  • MoU with Forest Commission in Central Africa
  • Advice scoping reports ESIA's Water4Nampula Project - Mozambique
  • Advice scoping report ESIA Coastal Protection - Mozambique
  • Announcement: SEA GuideIines for Renewable Energy
  mapping liberia

ESY-Mapping workshops in West Africa - analysis of ESIA systems

We just facilitated two very constructive and fruitful ESY-Mapping workshops in Togo and Liberia. They were the second and third workshops in the context of the ECOWAS EA-Harmonisation Programme in order to gain insight in the similarities and differences of EA legislation amongst the 15 member states. Participants represented different stakeholders in the ESIA system such as government, civil society, consultants and the academic sector. 

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  Central African Republic The Dzanga-Sangha Rainforest Reserves

MoU with Forest Commission in Central Africa

With the signing of a new MoU with COMIFAC (Commission of Central African Forests) we continue our successful cooperation that started several years ago. The COMIFAC has adopted a regional directive for ESIA. Together with the SEACA , we will provide technical support for the transposition of this directive in the national systems of the member states.

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  Lurio River - Mozambique

Advice scoping reports ESIA's Water4Nampula Project - Mozambique

The Water4Nampula Project involves the rehabilitation and expansion of water supply to four towns in Nampula Province. For each of these towns an ESIA will be carried out. We reviewed the scoping reports and observed that they insufficiently address the risk that current river flow and storage volume may not be able to meet the projected water demand during certain parts of the year. If that happens, the impacts on water users in Nametil, Namialo and Malema, as well as on downstream water users are expected to be severe. 

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  Beira coastal protection

Advice scoping report ESIA Coastal Protection - Mozambique

The Coastal Protection Project aims to provide the city of Beira with a high level of long-term protection against coastal flooding and to make it more climate resilient. We reviewed the scoping report and recommended that more information be included on several issues, such as : 

  • off-site activities such as sand dredging, rock quarrying, clay mining and their impacts;
  • community involvement, which is required for a sustainable project;
  • impacts on the fisheries sector.

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  Small scale wind turbines with desalination plants Mauretania

Announcement: SEA GuideIines for Renewable Energy

Recognising the necessary shift required towards the use of more renewable energy, IAIA is launching a multi-phase project to:

  • develop guidance;
  • establish a learning platform to share experiences;
  • support application of the guidelines in selected countries; 
  • raise awareness;
  • launch a help desk team. 


For this initiative the IAIA is looking for:

  • actors / organisations in the renewable sector that make reference to SEA as a planning tool;
  • existing SEA guidelines.

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