NCEA news 

October / November 2019

  • SEA for off shore oil and gas - Myanmar
  • Training on IFC Standards for Floriculture - Ethiopia
  • SEA for Infrastructure Works - Paraguay
  • Strengths and Weaknesses - Guinea ESIA System
  • New Colleagues


  Myanmar OfD - SEA Workshop okt 2019

SEA for off shore oil and gas - Myanmar

Naypaydaw, 22-23 October - The Ministry of Energy wants to start with a Strategic Environmental Assessment for offshore oil and gas development. In preparation for this, the NCEA recently facilitated an SEA introduction workshop. Attended by 25 participants of various ministries, it marked the start of the SEA which is expected to last two years. The SEA will be funded by the Norwegian Oil for Development programme.

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  ethiopie iifc performance standards

Training on IFC Standards for Floriculture - Ethiopia

Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, 23-26 October - Dutch flower farmers, the Ethiopian government and the Dutch embassy are looking into investments in large-scale floriculture near Lake Tana in Amhara. Starting point is that the investments are sustainable and comply with the IFC environmental and social performance standards (IFC PS). To prepare the Amhara Environment Bureau for the ESIA process and follow-up, the NCEA facilitated a training course on the IFC PS. The participants concluded that due to the sensitivity of the environment and the expected influx of workers, the impacts of the projects may be severe and will need to be managed carefully. 


Do you want to know more on the IFC performace standards? 

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  foto training paragua

SEA for Infrastructure Works - Paraguay

Asunción and Carmelo Peralta, 14-18 October - Instead of assessing a series of separate project ESIAs for infrastructure works for the Corredor Vial Bioceánica (between Brasil and Chili, crossing Paraguay), the Paraguyan Ministry of Public Works and Communications wants to explore strategic assessment for the whole area. Therefore the Ministry - in cooperation with WWF-Py, IDEA and Guyra - invited the NCEA to facilitate a workshop on SEA, including a site visit to the area. By the end of the week, a first draft ToR for the SEA could already be presented.


The workshop is part of the Shared Resources, Joint Solutions programme. 

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  Mapping sessie

Strengths and Weaknesses - Guinea ESIA System

Conakry, 30 Sept - 4 Oct - What are the strengths and weaknesses of Guinea's ESIA system? What can be improved? As a first step, the NCEA in cooperation with BGEEE,  the EA agency in Guinea, hosted an ESY-MAPPING workshop. The ESY-MAP is a diagnostic tool for analysing key elements of the ESIA system. The participants in Guinea - sector ministries, NGOs, consultants, private sector and the EA-association REGUISE - discussed in two days both legal requirements and practice in their country.


Questions on the ESY-MAPPING?

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  anouk en paula 3

New Colleagues

It is with great pleasure that we welcome two new colleagues to our international team: Ms Anouk Werensteijn (L) as a project secretary and Ms Paula Dobbelaar (R) as a technical secretary.

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