Sustainability Analysis reports

New Sustainability Analysis: application to the Netherlands

On 7 June 2024, the NCEA published its first Sustainability Analysis (SusAn), outlining a method to assess the capability of a country to contribute to global transitions to sustainable development. It has a chapter applying this method to the Netherlands. First reactions to the SusAn made the NCEA decide to write a Dutch version of the SusAn, with more details on how to fit recommendations in the Dutch context. Today, we publish this version and its translation to English. See also this post on LinkedIn.

Download the Dutch version of the Sustainability Analysis report (in Dutch)

Download the Dutch version of the Sustainability Analysis Report (translated to English)


New Sustainability Analysis: What makes knowledge trusted?

Improving governmental capacity to address sustainability dilemmas in global value chains
How can policymakers develop more consistent and coherent policies to achieve the SDGs domestically, while taking responsibility for cross-border effects and helping to accelerate sustainable development in low- and middle-income countries? With this Sustainability Analysis, the NCEA intends to offer a new governance perspective on policymakers’ dilemmas.


Power, knowledge, leadership
The analysis considers governance as the interacting influence of all actors on transitions. It examines power, knowledge, and leadership in the relationships between parliament, policy areas, government agencies, representatives of the private sector, civil society organisations, and citizens. Are these actors jointly capable of making the available knowledge on sustainable development dilemmas meaningful for action?


Application: the Netherlands 
In the last chapter, the analysis is applied to the Netherlands. It shows how the Netherlands tries to contribute to global transitions to sustainable development, taking the interest of other countries – in particular vulnerable countries – into consideration. It describes a set of context-specific arrangements to improve governmental capacity for addressing sustainability dilemmas.


Improving governmental capacity to address sustainability dilemmas in global value chains
Download the Sustainability Analysis report


The NCEA is open to refining the recommendations further. Do you want to contact us in response to this report? Contact us at