Keysheets and Cases


Challenges and solutions for River Basin & Delta planning (2023)

Highlights and recommendations from three ESIA's carried for the oil and gas sector in Uganda (2022)

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ESIA and SEA for Sustainable Hydropower Development (2018)

Since 1993, the NCEA has been involved in several hydropower projects and energy policies. Nowadays, the role of environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) in assessing, avoiding, mitigating and compensating the impacts of large hydropower projects, is fairly well known. Less known is the positive role of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) in developing a more
sustainable energy sector vision, including a possible role for hydropower. Based on our experiences, in this Views & Experiences we share some examples and findings on the added value of environmental assessment and how to get the most out of it.

ESIA and SEA for the oil and gas sector - 3 country cases (2018)

The NCEA has advised in the past 25 years on various oil and gas related projects and (sector) plans. Along the way, the focus shifted from supporting ESIA for projects tot SEA for plans and programmes, hereby integrating environmental and social issues in the strategic level. Here are some observations and experiences with SEAs in the Oil & Gas sector, with examples from Ghana, Mauritania and Bolivia.


Climate Adaptation (2023)

Climate change urges countries and their inhabitants to adapt their society in many ways. Decision-making is complex and puts heavy pressure on governments. Environmental and social impact
assessment - especially when applied at strategic level first - helps national governments step by step to plan for climate adaptation. This keysheet describes a practical approach to plan for climate adaptation.

Open Governance (2023)

Governments and officials who express the brave desire to make their decision-making more open and transparent, will meet all kinds of practical challenges. Environmental and Social Impact Assessment helps governments to apply good governance principles in every phase of project or plan development. It guides well-informed and sustainable decisions, reflecting the needs and views of all stakeholders. A crucial approach for impactful and complex topics such as mining, river basin planning and energy transition.

Responsible Mining (2023)

The rising demand for critical (transition) minerals and metals creates crucial risks ánd opportunities for supplying countries. Environmental and social assessment is a powerful starting point to map these pros and cons. In most countries in the world environmental and social assessment is legally defined. That is for a reason: a proper assessment gives clear guidance on how to minimise risks and how to maximise opportunities for People, Planet, Profit, Peace, and Partnership. It also helps to involve and inform stakeholders through underpinned and plausible communication. In this keysheet, we look at Environmental and Social Assessment as a powerful starting point for responisble mining.

SEA and Land Governance (2021)

Sustainable solutions for challenges in land governance require mechanisms that may go beyond what is currently being used in land governance systems. SEA closely links to land governance because it frequently deals with plans and decisions that influence the way land resources are allocated, used and managed. SEA for spatial plans such as regional, land use or river basin plans seems to be gaining momentum. In this key sheet, we explore the relation between SEA and land governance.

SEA coaching (2020)

Is Strategic Environmental Assessment new in your country? Would you like to know where to start, which issues could play a role, how to develop a roadmap, or how to coordinate the process? Then coaching might be an option to improve your SEA process.

ESY-MAP: a tool to analyse country ESIA Systems (2019)

ESY-MAP is a tool for assessing the quality of a national ESIA system. Practitioners involved in ESIA analyse ESIA requirements and performance with a standard set of questions.

Strategic Environmental Assessment - an introduction (2017)

What is SEA? - A tool to structure debate in the preparation of policies, plans and programmes; feed this debate through a robust assessment of the environmental and social consequences; ensure that the results are taken into account during decision making and implementation.

Independent advice on ESIA for complex projects (2017)

Why would you need independent advice? What is the added value and will it help you to make the initiatives in your country more sustainable?

The NCEA: our international work (2017)

Internationally, we support environment and sectoral ministries, professionals and non-governmental organisations in mainly developing countries to improve their practice. Through advice, coaching, capacity development and knowledge sharing.

Gender in environmental assessment (2017)

This key sheet shows how environmental assessment can promote gender equality and how it can benefit from integrating gender considerations.

ESIA helpdesk for the private sector (2017)

Practically every country in the world has ESIA legislation, but the requirements differ. It can be difficult to find your way around the regulations and institutions involved. We provides advice on ESIA in many countries, and can help you on your way.

NCEA's System Approach for ESIA / SEA effectiveness (2017)

If we want to understand SEA /ESIA effectiveness, we need to take into consideration the whole SEA/ESIA system in the country. This means that we also include the regulatory framework, awareness and commitment, education, and compliance and enforcement.

Capacity Development (2017)

The systems approach is the basis for our capacity development programmes. How this is implemented, including specific activities and tools, can be found in the key sheet on our work.

Country specific SEA introduction programmes (2015)

SEA can only be effective if it is country specific. In this keysheet, we set out 8 questions that need to be addressed when designing a tailor-made SEA system.