SEA for sustainable development of the hydropower sector

Five influential cases: India, Myanmar, Pakistan, Rwanda, Viet Nam

Publication, substantiated with 5 cases, on how to work towards a more sustainable hydropower sector. By using SEA as a strategic decision support tool, negative impacts in relation to building and exploiting hydropower dams can be mitigated. Starting early in the process at a strategic level, environmental and social considerations – using (academic) information, data and stakeholder participation – are integrated in (energy)plans and programmes. This ensures mitigation of negative impacts but also simplifies the ESIA’s for individual dams for example.

The publication includes:

  • separate summaries for decision-makers and dam owners
  • list of all SEA’s carried out for hydropower developments
  • list of SEA’s carried out for multi sector plans and policies

  • overview and relation between current decision support tools in addition to SEA
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