Stephen Teeuwen
Technical sectretary
The Lao PDR Government and Janson Bridging International BV are seeking to re-construct 12 bridges in the Champasak / Saravane province. The project is under consideration for DRIVE financing. An earlier EIA drafted in 2017 was updated in order to gain RVO approval. The NCEA conducted a review of the draft updated ESIA, where it concluded that the ESMS does not include enough details to be sure that negative impacts will be properly mitigated.
In August 2020, the NCEA published its review of the ESIA. In general, the NCEA notes that for the proposed project, direct impacts are likely to be appropriately managed if the mitigation measures provided in the report annexes are implemented. However, based on the current document, the NCEA cannot confidently confirm that this is indeed the case, nor can it confirm that significant long-term impacts are unlikely. The ESIA presents a generic Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS), to be followed by detailed site assessments and further impact mitigation decision-making at a later stage. In essence, this means that the ESIA report does not yet provide sufficient basis to decide whether the level of environmental and social performance of the project is likely to be acceptable.
he NCEA recommends addressing the following shortcomings in the ESIA: