7330-01. Brazil - SEA Minas Gerais Mineral Plan

The NCEA was requested to support the government of the State of Minas Gerais in Brazil on a proposed SEA for a State mining plan, and in particular the Iron Ore subsector. The NCEA wil act as an independent advisor and quality assessor in the process.

Advisory reports and other documents

30 Jun 2020: Advisory review
NCEA recommendations on governance and comments to ToR for SMP and SEA

Significant details

Initially, a visit to Belo Horizonte was planned to:

  • show examples/benefits of SEA and discuss the most valuable and tailor-made SEA application in Minas Gerais;
  • gain more insight into the institutional and legal framework in Minas Gerais, state of affairs of the SEA and how the SEA can be organized in terms of budget/timing etc.;
  • make agreements about possible involvement of the NCEA with the SEA and jointly agree on a plan/roadmap on how the SEA can be undertaken. 
This approach had to be changed because of Covid-19. Instead a series of 8 Video-meetings was held between March and June 2020, with the NCEA, MG State (SEDE, SEMAD and FEAM) and the Netherlands Business Support Office. It was agreed that the NCEA would provide comments on: (1) the governance structure of the SEA, and (2) the draft Terms of References for both the SEA of Iron ore and the State Mining Plan. Also the scope and phasing of NCEA support had to be redefined and agreed upon. The results of these meetings and the NCEA recommendations on the ToRs and the governance structure of the SEA are summarized in a first NCEA advisory report. The tender for the SEA will be launched any time soon. Follow-up NCEA support is expected later this year.

Parties involved

Members of the working group

Gijsberth Lamoree, MSc

Chair: Tanya van Gool
Technical secretary: Ineke Steinhauer

Further details

Country: Brazil; South America

Last modified: 21 Dec 2023