7215. Pan Hlaing Sluice Project - Myanmar

The NCEA was asked to support the government of Myanmar / MoALI with the execution of a good practice ESIA (IFC-PS) for the Pan Hlaing sluice and capacity development of MoALI.

Advisory reports and other documents

-: Advisory review
Advice on Scoping Document ESIA for Pan Hlaing Sluice Project Myanmar

Significant details

30-03-2017 Advice on Scoping Document ESIA for Pan Hlaing Sluice Project - Myanmar

The Netherlands and Myanmar are cooperating in the fields of Integrated Water Resources Management and ESIA. One of the pilot projects in this cooperation is development of the Pan Hlaing sluice. The primary aim of this sluice is to create a fresh water reservoir to be used for irrigation and domestic purposes. A secondary aim is flood protection. Various Dutch parties have already been involved in development of the project.

According to Myanmar’s regulations, an environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) is part of the design and decision making process for the sluice. This ESIA will help to assess three possible sites and mitigate the effects of the sluice, and to give all stakeholders the opportunity to participate in development of the project. Since Myanmar’s Department of Irrigation has little experience with ESIA, it asked the NCEA to advise on the content to be addressed in this ESIA. The ESIA for this prestigious project should comply not only with national regulations, but also with international (World Bank/IFC) standards. Among the issues that should be addressed are water pollution caused by an industrial zone, climate change (which will increase the risk of flooding) and gender (since new irrigation opportunities for farmers are likely to be gender specific). The NCEA will prepare this advice jointly with the Department of Irrigation, as a ‘learning on the job’ effort which will prepare the Department to function independently in later ESIA processes.

May/June 2019 - Review ESIA Pan Hlaing Sluice (5 February 2019) - Myanmar
At the request of RVO (Netherlands Enterprise Agency), the NCEA advised on the content of the ESIA for Pan Hlaing Sluice. 7245 Pan Hlaing Sluice - Myanmar - D2B16MM01

Parties involved

Members of the working group

Gert Jan Akkerman
Jeroen de Zeeuw, Phd

Technical secretary: Arend Kolhoff

Further details

Country: Myanmar

Last modified: 18 Jul 2022