7174. Recommendations for Good Practice EIA in Indonesian Tin Mining

This report provides recommendations on good practice EIA for tin mining, both off shore and – with a focus on rehabilitation activities – onshore. It deals with environmental issues such as the use of eco-dredging techniques, but also social issues such as the need for clear contractual arrangements between companies and smallholder miners. Recommendations aim both at what companies can do and where government could take the lead, such as carrying out an SEA for sector wide solution strategies. Additionally, the NCEA proposes criteria for assessment of social and environmental sustainability in the tin sector in Indonesia. The report was requested by the Tin Working Group of the Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH) and will be input into the development of a roadmap for responsible tin mining in Indonesia.

Advisory reports and other documents

27 Jul 2015: Advisory review
Recommendations for Good Practice EIA in Indonesian Tin Mining

Significant details

Recommendations are based on a desk review of five Indonesian EIAs for existing tin mining and smelting projects.

The IDH Tin Working Group is a public - private group consisting of IDH, members of the Electronic Industry Citizenship coalition, Friends of the Earth, the International Tin Industry Association (ITRI) and additional corporate members from the electronics and tinplate industries such as Apple, Asus, Philips, Samsung, Sony, HP, Microsoft and Tata Steel.

One of the members of the NCEA expert group - Mr Jan Joost Kessler of Aidenviroment - doubled as technical secretary in the preparation of this report. Mr Rob Verheem of the NCEA provided quality control and is contact person for this project.

Parties involved

Members of the working group

Bernadetta Devi
Jan-Joost Kessler
Joop de Schutter

Technical secretary: Rob Verheem

Further details

Country: Indonesia

Last modified: 05 Oct 2016