323-i. Memorandum: SEA capacity gap assessment - Albania

The NCEA has undertaken a gap assessment on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) capacity in Albania, based on which it has formed a proposal for a five-year SEA programme.

Advisory reports and other documents

30 Jun 2006: Other
Memorandum by the NCEA

Significant details

The World Bank supports the Government of Albania and Montenegro with capacity building on SEA. The World Bank has approached the NCEA to provide its expertise and services in SEA in a five-year capacity building programme.

One of the activities in the first phase of this cooperation was an assessment of the 'gaps' in current SEA capacity in Albania. The results of this gap assessment were presented in an advice of the secretariat. This memorandum discusses:

  • The legal background of SEA;
  • Available staff and institutional capacity on SEA;
  • Awareness-raising and training requirements on SEA;
  • SEA pilots, data management, and dissemination strategy and materials.

Based on this assessment, the memorandum proposes an outline for a multi-year SEA programme in Albania.

A similar memorandum was published for Montenegro.

Parties involved

Members of the working group

Technical secretary: Ineke Steinhauer

Further details

Country: Albania

Last modified: 28 May 2019