057-i. Advice: Guidelines for Integrating Biodiversity in EIA/SEA

On request of the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD), the NCEA drafted guidelines for integrating biodiversity in EIA/SEA.

Significant details

The secretariat of the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) requested the NCEA to prepare an advice on guidelines for the integration of biodiversity issues in EIA and SEA. This was done in close-cooperation with the International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA).
The advice consists of two sets of guidelines, addressing biodiversity in EIA and SEA respectively. The EIA guidelines were based on an earlier set of guidelines (also drafted by the NCEA), which were updated and extended. The SEA guidelines were developed for the first time. They were based on practical experiences provided by IAIA members from all over the world.

Parties involved

Members of the working group

Roel Slootweg
Rob Verheem

Technical secretary: Arend Kolhoff

Proponent and Component Authority

Secretariat of the Convention on Biodiversity

Component Authority
Conference of parties of the Conference of Biodiversity

Further details

Country: Biodiversity

Last modified: 15 Apr 2019