034-i. Advice on work plan and review: Beira coastal management - Mozambique

The NCEA advised on a work plan for a project that served to formulate an Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan (ICZMP) for the city of Beira. After finalization of the project, the NCEA also issued an advisory review of the resulting ICZMP. It identified a number of shortcomings and recommended actions for improvement.

Advisory reports and other documents

25 Jun 1998: Other
Accompanying letter
Appendices Advice
31 May 1999: Advisory review
Accompanying letter
Appendices Advice

Significant details

In Beira there is an acute danger of land being lost to the sea. This danger was to be remedied by implementation of an Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan (ICZMP) that includes emergency civil engineering works. The NCEA was asked to advise on a work plan for the project of formulating this ICZMP, including the selection of emergency works to be carried out.

In an advisory report (the first document on this page), the NCEA advised on several aspects of the working plan. The main points of the advice include:

  • A distinction should be made between short-term emergency works and long-term activities - the latter can be included in the ICZMP.
  • Emergency works to be carried out should be prioritized in the work plan, according to the following ranking:
    • Solution for sanitation problems that arise from poor drainage;
    • Solution for the inundation risk caused by ongoing coastal erosion;
    • Solution for erosion of dunes caused by wind and over-trampling by people.
  • Cooperation with the city of Beira is needed to execute emergency activities and a stakeholder forum could be established to act as a consultative and coordinative body.

Upon finalization of the ICZMP formulation project, the NCEA was asked by the Netherlands Embassy in Mozambique to review the resulting ICZMP.

In its advisory review (the second document on this page), the NCEA concluded a.o.: 

  • Local government is insufficiently involved in the planning process;
  • It remains unclear whether the stakeholders ‘own’ the plan;
  • On coastal morphology a good problem analysis is presented, but on other issues no problem analysis is given;
  • The institutional analysis is superficial and not very complete;
  • The action plan provides a useful checklist but priority setting and budgeting are incomplete.

The advice includes recommendations for further action.

Parties involved

Members of the working group

Eco Bijker
van der Meulen

Chair: Jan-Willem Kroon
Technical secretary: Reinoud Post

Proponent and Component Authority

City of Beira

Component Authority
Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Further details

Country: Mozambique

Last modified: 13 May 2019