Mining construction workers on mountain top in Sierra Leone / by NathanAN / Shutterstock Mining construction workers on mountain top in Sierra Leone

ESIA Self Assessment Tool for the Mining Sector (MET)

Project details



Activity type

Capacity development


Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), Legislation, Mining

Last modified

25 April 2023

The Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development (IGF) works on the strenthening of ESIA in the mining sector around the world. IGF has developed guidance for country governments on the legal framework for ESIA for mining. To guide governments toward good practice in accordance with this guidance, IGF has developing a diagnostic tool (called the Mining ESIA Tool-MET). NCEA is contributing to the development and to the first applications of this tool. 

Significant details

The diagnostic tool that the IGF has developed will help officials and practitioners identify gaps their framework, and decide on priorities for improvement. It is based on the ESY-Map that the NCEA has developed in collaboration with the Southern African Institute for Environmental Assessment. A first pilot application of the IGF tool took place in Ethiopia in 2021, a second one took place in Burkina Faso in 2022. 

During the IGF's Annual General Meeting in 2022, the NCEA shared its experiences with the MET in Burkina Faso, alongside a presentation of a similar pilot in Ivory Coast. The MET in Burkina Faso resulted in a lively discussion amongst stakeholders on the strengths and weaknesses of ESIA in the Mining sector. In addition, it formed the basis for the NCEA's programme with the Ministry of Mining.

See for more information the video on the Mining ESIA Tool. 

Parties involved

Members of the working group

PhD Adama WYA

Technical secretary

Stephen Teeuwen