Cityscape Cartagena de Indias, Colombia / by Sanalejo Photography / CC BY-SA 2.0 Cityscape Cartagena de Indias, Colombia

ESIA for Water as Leverage Cartagena - Colombia

Project details




South America

Activity type

ESIA/SEA advice

Last modified

28 February 2025

'Water as Leverage Cartagena' is a partnership between the City of Cartagena and the Government of the Netherlands through the Netherlands Enterprise and Development Agency (RVO). The partnership focuses on the development of innovative, integral and implementable projects, as part of an inclusive process. Two multidisciplinary teams are hired to develop infrastructural interventions for water- and climate change adaptation in Cartagena. 'Water as Leverage' has three phases. In phase 1, eight to twelve conceptual designs were developed out of which 5 designs have been selected. In phase two, the selected designs have been further specified in project proposals on a pre-feasibility level. In phase three, two remaining proposals will be detailed out in one full feasibility study per team. RVO, endorsed by the Netherlands Embassy in Bogotá and Invest International, has asked NCEA support in this partnership.  

Significant details

The following options for independent review of deliverables (in bold below) have been identified:

  • Phase 1 includes an indicative risk and impact assessment for 4-6 conceptual designs per team as one of the deliverables (NCEA input completed)
  • Phase 2 includes as one of the deliverables for at least 3 project proposals per team Risk- and impacts assessment; E&S scoping, and Terms of reference for the ESIA according to the IFC Performance Standards and local Colombian ESIA requirements (NCEA visit to Cartagena to review ESIA scoping reports is planned to take place in March 2025)
  • Phase 3: Assuming a positive GO decision from the Advisory Board, the team will develop the selected project proposal from phase 2 to full feasibility level (1 proposal per team = 2 in total). This includes amongst the deliverables: Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)

Other documents

Parties involved

Members of the working group

Viviana Arango Villegas

Gijsberth Lamoree

drs. Arend de Wilde

Technical secretary

Ineke Steinhauer