The NCEA advised on a generic approach for SEAs for free trade agreements between Central America and the European Union.
Significant details
The SEA is based on a generic approach for SEA for free trade agreements, as developed by an NCEA expert group in March 2007. The SEA consists of a number of assessments which follow the approximately 10 negotiation rounds and related public participation. In each SEA round, the most important opportunities and risks for the environment in the actual negotiations will be identified and presented to the negotiators. On the other hand, the SEA can also address questions/dilemmas negotiation teams might have or information they might need on environmental (and social) issues. SEA rounds are carried out by a regional working group representing the environmental ministries, civil society, the private sector and negotiators. The regional working group will be informed about major environmental issues through so-called theme papers, to be prepared by consultants and academia, e.g. on coffee, banana or bio-fuels. The regional working group met for the first time in October 2007 in Guatemala, just before the first negotiation round. NCEA and IUCN support the regional working group on the practical organisation of the SEA and on guidance for the theme papers.