Longlist of sustainability dilemmas

Longlist of sustainability dilemmas

Dilemma: 'Should governments create new assessment mechanisms for sound decisions on support to international investments claiming to be green?'

This dilemma relates to government policies on supporting only 'sustainable' or 'green' international investments. Policies for achieving national SDGs may work against policies to support the SDGs in other countries. Criteria may not be clearcut, and case-by-case assessments may be necessary before making the decision.

Relation to SDGs

  • This dilemma touches on most SDGs.
  • It may for example affect the incomes of populations and the protection the global climate and biodiversity.

Political timeliness

  • The UN Climate Convention and the UN Biodiversity Convention 
  • National discussions in donor countries on financial support to international investments i.e. aid combined with trade
  • Discussions on the enforcement of public support measures for green investments, like the EU Taxonomy


  • Exploration

Dilemma: 'Should donors, before giving assistance, put quality demands on the governance quality of the recipients?'

Aiming at local ownership donors may choose to leave defining 'effectiveness' of the use of support to receiving populations. For example, locally led adaptation as an emerging approach in climate adaptation. Local leaders will define their own objectives. However, this 'old' definition of effectiveness may work against 'new' definitions of effectiveness. How may donors transfer in a responsible manner their responsibility to ensure aid effectiveness to the receiving populations?

Relation to SDGs

  • This may be relevant to all SDGs globally, starting in receiving countries.

Political timeliness

  • The COPs for climate change, in particular the debate on ‘locally led adaptation’
  • The Green Climate Fund


  • Dialogue 

Dilemma: 'New ways to govern deep sea mining'


  • Dialogue