The role of the NCEA in the Netherlands (infographic)
The NCEA in the Netherlands
Founding of the Commissie mer
The Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment (NCEA and, in Dutch: Commissie voor milieueffectrapportage or Commissie mer) was established in 1987. Its mission is to review environmental impact assessments at project and strategic plan level in the Netherlands.
The NCEA provides government institutions and other project initiators with independent advice on the quality of environmental impact assessments. This advice is based on a review of the transparency, quality and availability of information, as well as the process of participation in the development of the plan or project. The aim of this mission is to make environmental impacts an integral part of informed decision-making by Dutch governments.
International work
In 1993, the NCEA added an international unit to the organisation. This unit is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Its purpose is to provide independent advice on environmental impact assessments, build capacity in governments to conduct processes for environmental impact assessments and coach these governments in these processes. The work of the international unit builds on the experience of utilising environmental impact assessments in the Netherlands, a highly industrialised, ambitious and densely populated country.
Visit the website of Commissie merPicture: © NCEA 2024