Workshop on important issues before finalising SEA oil & gas

Oil & Gas

Published on: 2023-02-27

Why are transboundary effects important to take into account? This was the central question of NCEA’s presentation during the recent workshop regarding the SEA for the Oil and Gas Policy in Senegal.

Organised by the SEA Steering Committee, participants from national institutions discussed the draft legal and institutional framework. This is one of the steps of the SEA process. The next step will be the analysis of impacts of different development options.

Since one of the points of attention is transboundary effects, the NCEA was asked to present international conventions on transboundary SEA, the recent ECOWAS Agreement and some case studies.

Participants evaluated the workshop as very relevant and are committed to include their new insights in the final version of this SEA.

Picture: ©NCEA.