Review ToR document for environmental impact studies
The NCEA reviewed a ToR, drafted by ANLA, for the preparation of environmental impact studies for offshore wind energy projects.

The NCEA contributed to a workshop on environmental assessment for offshore wind in Bogotá, Colombia.
The workshop was co-hosted by the Netherlands (Embassy, Holland House, and CERF) and the Colombian Ministry of Energy and Mines. Colombia is actively developing its offshore wind energy sector, aiming to diversify its energy sources and reduce carbon emissions. Recently, Colombia and the Netherlands signed an agreement focusing on energy transition, including cooperation in offshore wind energy.
The workshop aimed to strengthen knowledge and capabilities within the public sector in Colombia, fostering a strategic understanding of offshore wind energy development. Emphasis was put on strategic marine spatial planning and the impact of environmental and social issues on offshore wind developments. At the request of CERF, the NCEA contributed to this workshop through one of its external experts. The Dutch experiences and lessons learned with wind energy on the North Sea were used as the reference case and translated to Colombian practice.
Around 40 participants from various Colombian government agencies took part and enhanced their knowledge in key areas such as marine spatial planning, environmental considerations, grid connection, supply chain development, and integrated policy formulation.
A follow-up to this workshop could consist of an NCEA advice on an SEA for a marine spatial plan, that is likely going to be developed in 2025.
Picture:©NCEA – Ineke Steinhauer, 2024