Innovations in legislation - Symposium in Montreal
29 March 2023
Around the world, environmental assessment legislation is adjusted and updated on a regularly basis. This may be caused for example by changes in a countries' planning framework, by the implementation of regional directives or by critical assessment of current legislation on its usuability.
Since it is important to discuss the effects of these changes and share lessons learnt, the Francophone International Secretariat for Environmental Assessment (SIFÉE), decided that this year's theme of their annual symposium would be Recent Regulatory Innovations in Francophone countries and their effect on practice. Stephen Teeuwen from the NCEA presented various cases, for example on his experience with harmonisation of legislation in West Africa and on Transboundary ESIA.
More information - Colloque international à Montréal (Québec-Canada), du 29 au 31 mars 2023.