ESY-map workshop in Rabat
In this workshop participants from different sectors analysed the Moroccan ESIA system.
The National Environmental Management Authorities in Kenya requested the NCEA to provide independent advice on the SESA of Kenya’s Nuclear Power Programme. Following a site visit to Kenya by an NCEA working group in August, the advisory report is now published.
During the site visit, it became clear that a significant amount of work has been done. The SESA Report has been made in a period during which the nuclear power legislation in Kenya has been developed. However, the NCEA concludes that the SESA Report does not meet IAEA standards of SESA good practice and therefore does not provide a basis for well-informed decision-making. Key revisions to the SESA Report are necessary.
The NCEA made recommendations for improvements. These can be found in the full advisory report, which is available on our website.