Ineke Steinhauer
Technical secretary
The ESY-map is a diagnostic tool for assessing the quality of a national Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) system. It was developed by the NCEA in close collaboration with the Southern African Institute for Environmental Assessment.
In a three day workshop, practioners and stakeholders work toward the result: a diagram showing the strengths and weaknesses of the current ESIA system at a glance. Practitioners and stakeholders involved in ESIA in a particular country, jointly apply the tool in an interactive workshop, facilitated by the NCEA. Through a standard set of questions, ESIA requirements and performance are being analyzed. The results are presented in a diagram, showing the strengths and weaknesses of the current ESIA system at a glance: a perfect point of departure to appreciate the good work done so far and to agree upon actions needed.
Download the information sheet below. Are you interested to carry out an ESY-map workshop or do you have any remaining questions? Feel free to contact us!