SEA profile

Updated to: 26 September 2013

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Overview SEA procedure

Even though the EIA Policy generally also accounts for plans and programs, the EIA procedures described in its Annex 3 are determined for projects only. Thus more detailed SEA procedures are generally not defined, with the exemption of the Screening process for which in Annex 4 of the Policy some information is given.

Establishing context

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Screening process

Annex 4 of the policy lists types of plans and programs for which SEA may be used:

  • Power generation and supply
  • Solid waste management
  • Transportation infrastructure development
  • Tourism infrastructure development
  • Parks and natural reserves development and management
  • Development and management of industrial policy and estates
  • Master plans
  • Agricultural development programs

The list, however, does not suggest that only these types of plans and programs can be subjected to SEA.

Implementing SEA

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Informing decision making

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SEA practice

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Relevant links on SEA

Ahmed K. and Fiadjoe Y, 2006. A selective review of SEA legislation. Results of a Nine-Country Review. IBRD/The World Bank, Washington.

Background information

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History of SEA

The Policy on Environmental Assessment (1999) does firstly mention plans and programs as development activities that are subject to the policy. Hence, it introduces SEA into the legal framework and gives some legal provisions for it. However, with respect to EA procedures the Policy mostly focuses on EIA for projects and provides very limited information about the EA procedures for plans and programs.

Legal framework

Enabling law

Environmental Law 1999:

National detailed regulation

The Environmental Assessment Policy partly applies to proposed plans and programs and gives some general provisions for SEA, especially in its Annex 4.

Scope of application

The Environmental Assessment Policy stipulates that it applies to proposed plans and programs.

SEA approach

As the EIA Policy also refers to plans and programs, an EIA-based approach is indicated for the Palestinian Territoires. It is, however, not (yet) very detailed.

Institutional setting

Central SEA authority

The central EA authority in the Palestine Territoires is the Environmental Quality Authority. It was established in 2002 as the successor of the Ministry of Environmental Affairs (MENA). During this institutional change, all the functions, responsibilities and authorities of the former ministry were transferred to the Enviornmental Quality Authority. As the Environmental Law (1999) and the Policy on Environmental Assessment (2000) were formulated previously to the change in central EA authority, they refer to the ministry.


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Environmental Quality Authority