
Legislation at strategic level

In 2002, Lebanon adopted the Environment Protection Law No. 444 which established the framework for environmental regulation in the country. This law makes reference to environmental assessments and paved the way to adopt the EIA Decree No. 8633 (2012), the SEA Decree No. 8213 (2012), and associated ministerial circulars and decisions. The central authority responsible for EIA and SEA is the Ministry of Environment (MoE).

Last modified: 29 January 2019

Overview SEA procedure

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Establishing context

Screening process
Screening is a formal step. The screening process starts when the proponent submits a Project Screening Form to the MoE for its intended PPP. The MoE screens the proposal to determine if SEA is required.


Annex 1 of the SEA Decree 8213/2012

Timeline Screening

Upon receiving the screening request, the MoE informs the proponent on its decision within 15 calendar days. If the MoE fails to do so, the proponent may start the study in line with existing laws and regulations.

SEA implementation

Scoping process
Scoping is a required step in the Lebanese SEA procedure. Once a scoping report is submitted to the MoE, it is reviewed by a technical committee. The MoE must inform the proponent on the outcomes of this review within 15 working days.


Annex 2 of the SEA Decree 8213/2012. Decision 589/1 of 2015.


Participation in scoping
The proponent is required to prepare a scoping report in coordination with the MoE an concerned authorities and by involving affected stakeholders.

Assessment/mitigation of effects
After engaging a qualified environmental consultancy, the SEA study is conducted and the report prepared according to Annex 3 of the SEA Decree. The SEA report is submitted to the MoE.

Content of SEA report
Annex 3 of the SEA Decree outlines what should be contained in an SEA report. The required information includes: a summary, baseline, legal and policy framework and an institutional analysis, alternatives, impacts, recommendations for decision making, records of public consultations and information on those who conducted the SEA.

Review process
The MoE must review whether the SEA and the proposal comply with the conditions for protecting the environment and sustainability of natural resources. For the review, the MoE establishes a technical committee of three persons from within the Ministry. If needed, they may also involve external experts and concerned departments. The review must be completed and communicated to the Minister within thirty working days and the Ministers informs the proponent within two days. Otherwise, the study will be considered as implicitly approved. Further details on the review process are described in Annex 6 of decision 589/1 of 2015.

Participation in review

Stakeholder participation in review is not explicitly mentioned in the SEA Decree.


SEA and planning decision-making
The results of the review may be approval, conditionally approval or the rejection of the SEA. The MoE may demand the completion or amendment of the study. In such case, the proponent can decide to revise the proposal and its SEA and re-submit it to the MoE. The proponent may also submit the proposal to the Council of Ministers to issue a final decision.


Monitoring and evaluation
The SEA decree does not specify any monitoring requirements for individual SEAs. The decree does outline that the MoE shall assess the results and application of the SEA every four years.

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