Leyla Özay
Technical sectretary
Interests in ESIA in Jordan gained momentum when the county participated in the 1992 ‘Earth Summit’ in Rio de Janero. In 1995, ESIA was first mentioned in environmental legislation in Jordan. Dedicated regulations for ESIA followed in 2005. The Ministry of the Environment annually processes hundreds of applications for environmental approval, of which 30-50 go through the comprehensive EIA process.
SEA has not yet been embedded into the regulatory framework. But since the late 2000s a number of SEAs has been carried out, and investment made into SEA awareness and capacity.
See a flowchart of the procedure here This link opens in a new tab.
Please note: This country profile is currently under development, and has not yet been verified with the Jordanian Ministry for Environment.
Screening process
Contents of the starting document
Annex 1 of the regulation specifies the information on the project that needs to be submitted for a screening decision. This includes:
Timeline Screening
No timeline is given for the screening decision in the regulation.
Scoping process
For information on what is required for a preliminary EIA, see Annex 4 This link opens in a new tab of the regulation.
Contents of the scoping document
No requirements are given in the regulation on the contents of the ToR for the EIA.
Timeline scoping
There is no timeline for the project proponent to submit the ToR.
The Technical Committee will review the ToR within one week after receipt and submit its recommendations to the Minister.
Assessment process
If the ToR is approved, the proponent and his/her advisors shall undertake the assessment, and prepare the draft of the ESIA document. This draft must include the content as set out in Annex 5 This link opens in a new tab.
Contents of the ESIA report
The ESIA document must contain the following:
Accreditation of consultants
The Environmental Protection Law of 2017 specifies that an ESIA must be undertaken by an Advisory Body that is approved by the Ministry of Public Works and Housing.
Review process
The review of the ESIA document is carried out by the Technical Committee, which is also involved in the review of the ToR. It will submit its recommendations to the Minister to make the required decision.
The Committee may ask the proponent for additional information if it finds that the EIA document does not fulfil the requirements.
The Committee may invite any person to a meeting for consultation, but that person shall not be entitled to vote on its recommendations.
There is no obligatory stakeholder engagement during this review process.
Review expertise
The Technical Committee consist of representatives of various ministries:
Timeline Review
There is no specific timeline given for the ESIA document review itself, but the regulation states that the Minister shall issue the decision on project approval within 45 days after receiving the ESIA document.
Integration of ESIA into decision-making
The ESIA provides the basis of the Minister’s decision on environmental approval of the project.
If the draft ESIA document fulfils all of the requirements, the Technical Committee submits its recommendations to the Secretary General who will forward the decision recommendation to the Minister.
The decision may be:
If the Minister does not issue the decision within the regulatory timeline, the project is approved automatically.
The decision must be announced to the public in the manner that the Ministry deems appropriate.
Art. 11 of the EIA regulations no 37, 2005
Decision justification
There are no specification in the regulation as to the justification of the environmental approval decision.
Timeline decision-making
The Ministry has 45 days from submission of the EIA report to make a decision on the environmental approval of the project.
Possibilities for appeal
The proponent may object to the Minister’s decision denying the Environmental Approval. The proponent has 15 days from the date he/she is informed of such a decision.
The Minister may appoint an independent panel of experts consisting of not less than three members with the appropriate technical experience to review the objection. This is at the expense of the proponent. The independent panel submits its recommendations to the Minister.
The Minister’s decision regarding the objection is considered final. The decision may be contested before the High Court of Justice.
Compliance monitoring
Both the EIA regulation and the Environmental Protection Law state that the Ministry shall monitor the compliance with the conditions and requirements stipulated in the Environmental Approval. The Ministry has inspection powers to this effect.
Article 17 – EIA regulations no 37, 2005, Artcile 15, Environmental Protection Law 2017
Non-compliance penalties
The Environmental Protection Law 2017 sets out a range of penalties for infringement of environmental regulation. These include the possibility to apply fines to anyone violating the conditions of an environmental approval, or operating an establishment without the required environmental approval. The operation of an establishment can also be suspended if it does not have the necessary approvals. For causing serious environmental damage, the penalties are higher and include the possiblity of prison terms.
Public participation requirements for ESIA process stages
The regulation includes requirements for public participation in the scoping phase. In this phase, the Ministry invites affected parties to comment on the draft ToR for the EIA.
No other requirement for consultation are given.
Article 9 – EIA regulations no 37, 2005.
Access to information
Overall, the ESIA regulations states that the Ministry “shall make available to the concerned entities and upon their request” the information provided by proponent during the phases of the ESIA. In specific cases the Ministry may consider some of the data or information provided as confidential.
For the purpose of scoping, the Ministry and the Proponent have to make information on the project and its surrounding environment available to the affected parties consulted.
The decision on environmental approval of the project “shall be announced to the public in the manner that the Ministry deems appropriate”.
The Environmental Protection Law further states that the Ministry stall publish summaries of ESIA documents on their website.
Articles 9, 11 and 18 – EIA regulations No 37, 2005, Article 4(O) of the Environmental Protection Law.