
The NCEAs first engagement with Guinea dates back to April 20181, when the Ministry for Environment of Guinea asked the NCEA to carry out an independent advice on the ESIA for the Fomi Dam in the Niger river. In the same year, the NCEA reviewed the ESIA for the five link and access bridges for the city of Conakry. This advice was carried out on request of the Dutch Enterprise Agency RVO.

In 2022, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) in Guinea and the NCEA signed an MoU to guide their cooperation in the coming years. This includes coaching on the development of Interministerial Commission on the SEA for the Bafing Falémé landscape. The MoU also resulted in training and advice for ESIAs of several important mining projects, for example two mining projects near the World Heritage site of Mount Nimba.

Highlighted Projects

Legislation in Guinea

Guinea’s Environmental Code of 1987 first introduced ESIA in the country. The procedure was then elaborated in a decree issued in 1989, and in 2013 a General Guide for the Realisation of ESIAs was adopted by ministerial decision.

In 2019, this was followed by a long-awaited revision of the Environmental Code. This Code introduced SEA into the legal framework, although it did not provide any procedural information for that instrument.

Early 2022, a semi-autonomous Agency for Environmental Assessment (AGEE) was created. In July 2022, the environment ministry published a new procedure for environmental assessment, which provides an update on ESIA and adds SEA requirements. Guinea distinguishes between Detailed ESIA for high-impact projects (category A) and Simplified ESIA for projects with less impact (category B). The AGEE manages the procedure with a Comité Technique d’Analyse Environnementale (CTAE) – an ad hoc committee with representatives of ministries and NGOs.