
The Environmental Protection Act (1994) brought ESIA into the legal framework of Ghana. It introduced an ESIA system which consists three levels of assessment: initial, preliminary and a full assessment of the environmental impacts. Apart from extensive experiences with Environmental Impact Assessment (ESIA), Ghana has a relatively high level of experience with the application of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), particularly since 2002. Many capacity building activities have taken place in the framework of the Ghana Environmental Assessment Capacity Development Project (GeaCap phase 1, 1999-2001), the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Ghana Poverty Reduction Strategy 2002-2004 and the Ghana Environmental Assessment and Support Project 2006-2008.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the key agency responsible for implementation of ESIA and SEA. It is the main decision-making authority during all stages of the ESIA process.


Ghana: SEA and coastal protection

Webpages | 11-07-2024

Ghana: SEA and coastal protection

At the end of June, a working group of the NCEA participated in a three-day stakeholder meeting in the Keta Lagoon on sustainable, nature based…

SEA & IWRM - Ghana

Webpages | 27-03-2023

SEA & IWRM - Ghana

In Ghana, for most Integrated Water Resource Management Plans (IWRM) an SEA is carried out. An SEA assesses proposed measures on their sustainabilty and…

MoU with the Volta Basin Authority

Webpages | 08-12-2022

MoU with the Volta Basin Authority

The NCEA continues to expand its activities with regional partners. In November, we signed an MoU with the Volta Basin Authority (VBA).

National conference sustainable development, Senegal

Webpages | 11-06-2018

National conference sustainable development, Senegal

Together with the EPA of Ghana, the NCEA presented their experiences with SEA for the oil and gas sector in Ghana at the National Conference for…

CSOs engagement in SEA in Ghana

Webpages | 30-03-2018

CSOs engagement in SEA in Ghana

The Ghanaian government has various investments going on in the field of mining and oil & gas. Since these investments are in landscapes containing…

Finalising the Voltaian Basin oil/gas SEA, Ghana

Webpages | 26-07-2017

Finalising the Voltaian Basin oil/gas SEA, Ghana

The SEA for the onshore oil and gas developments in the Voltaian Basin in Ghana is drawing to an end. After an intensive process that took off in March…

Launch of SEA for oil/gas exploration in Voltaian Basin, Ghana

Webpages | 09-03-2016

Launch of SEA for oil/gas exploration in Voltaian Basin, Ghana

The NCEA participated in the launch of and the pre-scoping workshop for the SEA on oil and gas exploration in the Voltaian Basin in Ghana (29 February…

Review of EIA scoping report for coal fired power plant in Ghana

Webpages | 18-02-2016

Review of EIA scoping report for coal fired power plant in Ghana

The NCEA reviewed a scoping report for an EIA that is prepared to support the Ghanaian government’s decision-making on a coal fired power plant.…

NCEA support to SEA for oil/gas exploration in Ghana's Volta basin

Webpages | 18-11-2015

NCEA support to SEA for oil/gas exploration in Ghana's Volta basin

The NCEA visited Ghana in the framework of a strategic environmental assessment (SEA) to be undertaken for oil/gas exploration in the Voltaian basin.…

Norwegian - Dutch donor coordination: EIA/SEA in the oil and gas sector

Webpages | 16-01-2015

Norwegian - Dutch donor coordination: EIA/SEA in the oil and gas sector

Olso, Norway - 16th of January 2015. The NCEA met with the Norwegian Environmental Agency (NEA). The NEA is a key implementing party of the Norwegian…

Better understanding EIA performance in Ghana

Webpages | 29-05-2013

Better understanding EIA performance in Ghana

Gabi Sonderegger, a student at Utrecht University conducted her master thesis ,research on EIA in the water sector in Ghana. The thesis seeks to…