
In Burkina Faso, Environmental Assessment is legally required since 1997. The most recent decree on SEA and ESIA has been published in 2015. A mapping on the EA-system was conducted in 2017. 

The national authority for Environmental Assessment is the Agence Nationale pour l'Evaluation Environnementale (ANEVE). 

The NCEA does not have a country programme in Burkina Faso, but it does conduct individual activities in the country. 

Décret n°20151187 / JO N°53 DU 31 DECEMBRE 2015 (EIES) 


Independent advice on mining SESA Burkina Faso

Webpages | 25-10-2023

Independent advice on mining SESA Burkina Faso

After a round of online consultations, the NCEA provided an independent advice about updating the Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA)…

Workshop on ESIA for mine closure in West-Africa

Webpages | 31-08-2023

Workshop on ESIA for mine closure in West-Africa

While new mines are being explored in West Africa, exploitation of other mines is coming to an end. This comes with many challenges and opportunities.…

Niou Mine Burkina Faso: advice on scoping report

Webpages | 31-05-2023

Niou Mine Burkina Faso: advice on scoping report

The NCEA reviewed the draft Terms of Reference for the environmental and social impact assessment of the Niou mining project in Burkina Faso. This was…

Review scoping ESIA mining project - Burkina Faso

Webpages | 24-04-2023

Review scoping ESIA mining project - Burkina Faso

ANEVE, the Environmental Assessment agency in Burkina Faso, asked the NCEA to review the scoping report for the ESIA for the Niou mining project.

SEA & IWRM in Burkina Faso

Webpages | 06-03-2023

SEA & IWRM in Burkina Faso

Together with the Blue Deal, the NCEA organised a 4-day training in Burkina Faso about Integrated Water Resources Management and SEA.

Review ESIA published for hospital - Burkina Faso

Webpages | 16-01-2023

Review ESIA published for hospital - Burkina Faso

Following our news item in November 2022, we hereby publish our advisory report (in French) on the ESIA and Livelihood Restoration Plan for a new…

MoU with the Volta Basin Authority

Webpages | 08-12-2022

MoU with the Volta Basin Authority

The NCEA continues to expand its activities with regional partners. In November, we signed an MoU with the Volta Basin Authority (VBA).

Attention for social impacts in ESIAs for mining - Burkina Faso

Webpages | 05-12-2022

Attention for social impacts in ESIAs for mining - Burkina Faso

Social impacts are very important in the mining sector, but ESIAs for mining tend to focus primarily on environmental issues.

Presentation pilot Mining ESIA Tool - IGF annual meeting - Geneva

Webpages | 14-11-2022

Presentation pilot Mining ESIA Tool - IGF annual meeting - Geneva

At the IGF’s Annual General Meeting, it was our pleasure to present the pilot of the Mining ESIA Tool (MET) in Burkina Faso.

Review ESIA hospital - Burkina Faso

Webpages | 14-11-2022

Review ESIA hospital - Burkina Faso

The government of Burkina Faso intents to build a new hospital in the east of the country. Invest International is funding a series of necessary studies…

More attention for closure and rehabilitation of mines - Burkina Faso

Webpages | 25-07-2022

More attention for closure and rehabilitation of mines - Burkina Faso

The Ministry of Mines and Quarries and the NCEA organised a workshop to assess the ESIA approach for the country’s mining sector, using IGFs…

Publication on EA and landscape management also in French and Spanish

Webpages | 01-03-2021

Publication on EA and landscape management also in French and Spanish

Our recent publication with ten cases on ESIA and SEA in landscape management is now also available in French and Spanish.  Shared Resources,…

Publication: 10 cases of the SRJS programme!

Webpages | 26-11-2020

Publication: 10 cases of the SRJS programme!

In a new publication, the NCEA together with SRJS presents an overview of ten cases on ESIA and SEA in landscape management, from ten countries across…

New name and more responsibilities environmental assessment agency Burkina Faso

Webpages | 12-06-2020

New name and more responsibilities environmental assessment agency Burkina Faso

The Council of Ministers of Burkina Faso approved the change of the National Office for Environmental Assessments to an Agency. The new agency -…

New colleagues!

Webpages | 01-10-2019

New colleagues!

It it with great pleasure that we welcome two new colleagues to our international team, Ms Anouk Werenstijn - project secretary and Ms Paula Dobbelaar -…

Harmonisation Environmental Assessment systems in West Africa

Webpages | 27-08-2019

Harmonisation Environmental Assessment systems in West Africa

The NCEA organises on Sept. 11, a joint session on harmonisation of environmental assessment systems in West Africa

SEA introduction in Burkina Faso?

Webpages | 23-04-2019

SEA introduction in Burkina Faso?

Ouagadougou - Following up on the fruitful working session last December, the NCEA recently returned to BUNEE (the environmental assessment agency)…

Environmental Assessment Agency Burkina Faso towards independence

Webpages | 31-12-2018

Environmental Assessment Agency Burkina Faso towards independence

Ouagadougou, December 2018. How to become a more independently operating environmental assessment agency? This was the topic of a recent workshop…

Start of the SEA for the Sourou area, Mali

Webpages | 12-07-2018

Start of the SEA for the Sourou area, Mali

Bamako, 2-6 July 2018. The SEA for the Sourou area just kicked off! Local authorities plan for sustainable development of this area on the border with…

'ESIA system mapping' in Burkina Faso

Webpages | 27-11-2017

'ESIA system mapping' in Burkina Faso

In Burkina Faso, the NCEA supports the environmental ministry with an analysis of the ESIA system. This analysis is done through the NCEA’s…

SEA for landscape approach in Burkina Faso and Mali

Webpages | 27-06-2017

SEA for landscape approach in Burkina Faso and Mali

How can SEA help to achieve sustainable livelihoods in the White Volta basin in Burkina Faso? And how can it be applied to transboundary management by…