Ineke Steinhauer
Technical secretary
The new Environmental Framework Law (7 May 2020) establishes the legal framework for ESIA and SEA. Before the Law came into force, the National Institute for Environment and Development (NIMOS) had issued guidance on ESIA, and been tasked with review of ESIA reports. NIMOS also advises on the screening decision and scope of ESIAs. Under the new Law, the new name of NIMOS will be NMA (National Environmental Authority). Currently (Jan. ’21) NMA is working on the EIA Decree (criteria and procedures) 2021 and the Decree on the EIA screening list) 2021.
Nationale milieuraamwet, 7 mei 2020 Environmental Framework Act SB 2020, no 97 Draft Besluit milieueffecten analyse 2021 (criteria and procedures, following article 25, SB no. 97) Draft Besluit MEA plichtige activiteiten 2021 (article 22, 1. , SB no. 97)An SEA is required for all government policies, plans and programs:
The procedures still need to be elaborated.
Proceed to legislation at project level